Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Not a lot. So what?

After staying up late for the non-surprise surprise win of "Crash," I sacked out early last night, not too long after I got done with "How I Met Your Mother." Easily the worst, flattest episode they've done to date, and while I'd like to blame that on Ted and whatserface, the Marshall/Lily/Barney material wasn't any better than Mr. and Mrs. Schmoopy. Sometimes, you just get a stinker.

Some links, and then a question: the "Sopranos" cast and crew talk about the behind-the-scenes machinations of whacking, I review "The Unit" (long story short: if you like listening to Mamet dialogue, it's fun in spots; if not, skippable), while over at Matt's blog, he talks to David Milch about the "McCabe and Mrs. Miller" influence on "Deadwood." I don't even like Robert Altman that much (the idea of what he does is usually more interesting than his actual work), but it's a good interview.

And today's question for you, the reader: Other than the first episode or so, I haven't watched "24" this season, but I've heard that this year has been better than the last two. Any thoughts from someone who actually is watching? Should I wait for the DVD in the fall, or should I be tracking down all the episodes to catch up right now?

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