Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Life Unexpected, "Bong Intercepted": Lux unmasked

A very quick review of last night's "Life Unexpected" coming up just as soon as I nurse my drink...

Well, at least they're mixing up the "Lux pushes away from her parents and then moves back towards them" stories by having her only mad at Cate this week. Which means, I suppose, that next week Baze will upset her in some way while Cate gets to play sympathetic ear.

Despite the repetitiveness of the overall story (which I've talked about before, and which I suspect we're going to have to deal with at least until episode 7 or 8), I continue to like the characters (particularly Baze and Lux), like the fact that the supporting players outside Baze/Cate/Lux/Ryan are starting to get some depth, and I like the shaggy, chaotic vibe to this world. Cate and Ryan's secret affair plot has been put to bed, because it seemed an unnecessary contrivance, and I was glad that one of the angry callers also brought up the dumb "you lied about having a baby" story from episode two.

At some point, the show will need to start telling other stories. So far, though, I can deal. Frankly, I had a bigger problem with how much of the episode Lux spent without her trademark knit cap, which helps create the illusion that Brittany Robertson is 16 in the same way that Clark Kent's glasses make people believe Superman could be a big nerd.

What did everybody else think?

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