Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Film Vaults #7 - Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)

A new one, but a good one, Hot Tub Time Machine has a brilliant concept is consistently funny and definitely worth the price of a film ticket, making it an easy choice for "The Film Vaults"...
Went to see this film last week and honestly felt it ticked all the boxes of a great movie - time travel, check... comedy, check... hot girls, check... a decent cast, check... quotability, check...
Basically (for anyone wondering what the film is about), it does exactly what it says on the tin - four guys get into a hot tub and travel back in time, where they must attempt not to alter the future, but since their future lives suck, maybe altering the future isn't a bad idea... Simple premise, easy enjoyment...
Not much else needs to be said about this film, its still in the cinema, so go watch it in all its big screen glory while you still can...
Great White Buffalo...

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