(And really, anybody who suggests that this should be settled as a "cage match" deserves to be beaten over the head with a metal folding chair for lacking any real imagination in this instance. That's such a Sports Dork thing to do.)
Kroenke Sports which owns the arena booked the WWF on May 25, knowing full well that it would be the site of Game 4 of the Western Conference Finals. They even sent a letter to at the end of the regular season to secure the date for the WWF.
Didn't these guys see the Nuggets finish down the stretch?
The WWF has no plans to change it's date for now. (From the Associated Press)
Without a quick resolution, McMahon plans to send his trucks to Denver.
�That�s what we intend to do,� he said. �We�re going to show up.�
WWE spokesman Robert Zimmerman said the organization secured the Pepsi Center last Aug. 15 and has already sold more than 10,000 tickets for the event. He says the organization expects a sellout, with tickets ranging from $20 to $70.
McMahon blamed Kroenke for not believing his team was good enough to still be playing in mid-May.
�The fans in Denver had a lot more faith in making the playoffs than the owner,� he said in a phone interview from Louisville, where Raw was taking place later Monday night.
Well, let's not pretend that the Denver fans had a lot of faith. Many of them took their Divealanche jerseys to Goodwill this week, hoping to score a Kiki Vandeweghe jersey, just to look old school. Many of the fans are disappointed to find out that the Nuggets (formerly the Larks) were not stolen from Canada.
But Vince McMahon should hold firm here. He booked the arena fair, and square. If he doesn't get a large sum for moving Monday Night RAW, the only fair solution here would be if he was allowed to book the outcome of Game 4. Though, judging from the picture (courtesy of Gerweck.net), we know how he'd make it finish.
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