Tuesday, October 20, 2009

House, "Brave Heart": Night of the dead living

Quick spoilers for last night's "House" coming up just as soon as I whisper in my sleep...

What an odd episode. The random parkour opening made me assume they were going to reveal that some action movie was being filmed somewhere in the vicinity of Princeton-Plainsboro, only it was real. Then Jon Seda (who, despite playing a cop, thankfully didn't give me too many flashbacks to his awful role as Falsone on "Homicide") comes back from the dead, and his condition in the end turns out to be... psychosomatic? I think? Usually, I can keep up with the medical cases, but here, even as House was trying to spell things out, I completely lost the thread.

My larger concern, though, is that House is already starting to backslide into the prankster bully he was trying so hard to stop being in the season's earlier episodes. By far the most interesting part of this season has been seeing House try to balance his natural instincts with his desire to be a better person and make tighter emotional connections with people. For the most part here - particularly with Cuddy - he was edging back towards his old persona.

What did everybody else think?

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