Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Modern Family, "Coal Digger": Football, you bet

Very quick spoilers for tonight's "Modern Family" coming up just as soon as I ruin gay for you...

While not up to the standards of last week's wonderful "The Incident," "Coal Digger" found several more amusing family combinations (Luke feuding with "uncle" Manny, Alex trying to bond with Grampa Jay, and, of course, Claire and Gloria being tense around each other), featured another wave of great throwaway jokes(*), and even managed to make Phil seem like not a complete doofus for a few minutes as he defended Claire to Gloria. And the family all jumping or being pushed into the pool was one of the better of the show's requisite Heartwarming Endings (Sincere Edition).

(*) Lately, as I take my notes on shows, I jot down "just as soon as I" candidates. Usually, the winner makes itself obvious right away, but every time I thought I had it locked, another one would come and top it. At various points, it was going to involve climbing a rope, eating bubbles, dressing up as the Hamburglar, dressing like a count, wearing an ascot, going a really long time without blinking, and The Righteous Brothers coming on the jukebox.

What did everybody else think?

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