Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I tend to agree with Paul Pierce ...

... this series is not coming back to Los Angeles. Hey, he said it, it would be rude to disagree. A couple of shotgun thoughts about Game 3. The first being that there is no way that replay will ever come to baseball after that debacle. That NBA just illustrated that the referees do not know what they are calling half, eh, most of the time. Toughest job in sports, but good lord, get a call right from time to time.

The Celtics should be commended for giving a nod to Team USA soccer with all of the flopping. You know Celtics, you could always try to actually put the ball in the basket from time to time.

Ray Allen, ah, let's not wake him. He is still sleeping.

Was Kevin Garnett this big of a (female dog) in Minnesota, or did Boston do this to him? But congratulations Boston, your fans are quickly gaining on Utah fans as the NBA's worst.

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