Sunday, September 20, 2009

Curb Your Enthusiasm, "Funkhouser's Crazy Sister": Prognosis negative?

Quick spoilers for the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" season premiere coming up just as soon as I condescend to you with a tiny pear...

I talked a bit about this episode in Thursday's column, plus I'm busy with covering the Emmys and polishing my review of tonight's insanely good "Mad Men," plus "Curb" doesn't really lend itself to long reviews. So I'll be brief.

It's great to have the show back. It's great to see not only Larry, but Jeff and Suzy and Funkhouser and Leon (LEON!!!!), and to add a new character like Catherine O'Hara as Bam Bam on top of that. And now that you've seen it, I'm curious where you would rank Jeff's decision to lie about sleeping with Bam Bam - even after Funkhouser announced he was going to send her back to the mental hospital because of it - among the most egregious acts ever committed by a "Curb" character.

I know everybody's eager for the "Seinfeld" gang to turn up in a couple of weeks, but I'm just as happy with smaller moment like the liquids/solids debate, Larry's theory for a pre-break-up agreement ("As soon as I say 'apricot,' it's over"), the argument over the thermostat, or the unspoken joke about Wanda now loving Larry because he's dating a black woman (and/or because he's no longer dragging down her friend Cheryl).

What did everybody else think?

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