Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Salon Weekly

In the salon many things are as Bernie Mack would say, "goins on," there are clients in chairs getting blown dry, the radio is on and someone somewhere in the salon is singing along with the music off key of course, the water is splashing because someone let the shampoo bowl hose go and its turned into a snake, the dryer and washing machine are constantly going washing and drying towels because we go through them like water, but for some reason the dryer and sounds like there's change a lot of change inside it. Currency is being exchanged for serviced rendered, the phone line 1 and 2 is ringing, someone is walking out the door and the person walking in is admiring their hair, stylist are having a debate on if Solange really cut her hair on purpose or it fell out and so much more!!!! I want to give everyone a chance to see a day in my life as a hairstylist working in a full service salon with 20 Stylist, 1 Receptionist, 1 Barber, and at any given time 5 or more Shampoo Assistance, 1 Massage Therapist and 1 Esthetician. I know that a lot to remember but Salon Weekly will keep you up to speed so fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride.

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