Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Boys, "Private Eyes": In a van down by the restaurant!

Quick spoilers for last night's "My Boys" coming up just as soon as I order a pizza...

And here we get confirmation, once again, that resolving a will-they-or-won't-they? scenario in no way signals creative death for a comedy. Bobby and PJ are together, and two episodes in, this season has been much stronger than last year's Unresolved Sexual Tension-laden episodes.

"Private Eyes" paid off a lot of the potential I saw in the idea of PJ dating within the group. Though the guys were ultimately fine with it -- preferred it, actually, to seeing her go off with somebody new they don't like -- but the episode had a lot of fun with PJ and Bobby's fear of what would happen when the truth came out, as well as Bobby briefly letting himself be swayed by everybody's theories about PJ. (I love how much this show seems to despise Jeremy Piven. Brendan name-checking Piven was the last straw in the Douchebag Intervention (and if you haven't watched that in a while, enjoy), and here the name was enough to give Bobby genuine second thoughts about PJ.

Just a funny episode all around, with other highlights including:

• The entire subplot about Andy trying to enjoy his brief escapes from baby-ville, particularly his complaint that he doesn't want to spend that time talking about his sister's love life, so "Let's make the switch to sports and reality TV."

• Mike letting his mustache slowly transform him into a 1970s cop.

• Kenny, upon discovering that Bobby's dating PJ, asking, "Are her feet soft?"

What did everybody else think?

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