Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nerd alert: 'CSI' goes sci-fi tonight

I don't write about (or watch) the original "CSI" all that much. But considering the number of "Battlestar Galactica" fans who hang around here, I wanted to point out that tonight's "CSI" was not only written by ace "BSG" scribes David Weddle and Bradley Thompson, but it features guest appearances by Kate Vernon (aka Ellen Tigh) and Ronald D. Moore himself, and it features a murder victim modeled on Moore (a producer trying to revamp a beloved but campy old sci-fi series into something more gritty and political), and it features "CSI" co-stars Wallace Langham and Liz Vassey cavorting in a variety of costumes and sets closely modeled on the William Shatner-era "Star Trek." I watched it with a big smile on my face, and you probably will, too.

Mo Ryan also liked the episode, and she talks to "CSI" showrunner Naren Shankar about it and upcoming developments on the show.

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