Sunday, April 12, 2009

Party Down, "Investor's Dinner": Whose number one? Whose number two?

Quick spoilers for Friday night's "Party Down" coming up just as soon as I request another pancake...
"Well, you know what they say about a gun in the first act, Ron." -Casey
"First act of what?" -Kyle
Another solid, funny outing, and a particularly strong showcase for Ken Marino. Even though Ron's actually not in that much trouble if Tony(*) walks out the door -- all he has to do is put a stop payment order on the check, right? -- his transition from righteous anger and bravado to literally pissing himself was beautifully played, and perfectly set up with the earlier scene where Ron saw Tony get a look at the prop gun.

(*) Played by our latest "Veronica Mars" alum, Daran Norris.

Meanwhile, I like how the writers are handling both the Ryan Hansen and Martin Starr characters. It would be so easy to make Ryan be a complete jerk, and Roman be the sympathetic one, but instead Ryan's oblivious but ultimately a decent guy (as he bails on his rich new buddy after the guy makes fun of an oblivious Constance), while Roman's the ass who's looking up the guest's skirts.

And I continue to be glad the show went the "NewsRadio" route with Henry and Casey, as it's more amusing to see her try to distance herself from him, and him try to reel her in by calling the sex "adequate," than it would be to watch one pining for the other. Lizzy Caplan was also involved in that delightfully underplayed moment where Casey takes the incriminating camera-pic of Ron scraping off the dog poop, and Ron very quietly whimpers, "No," and Casey almost as quietly says, "Yes."

Really digging this show -- quite a bit more, so far, than Rob Thomas' other new project.

What did everybody else think?

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