Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Weak Ender: Coming to the Black Hole

One thing that slipped the radar this week was Jeff Garcia signing with the Raiders. When you think of all of the rough and tumble quarterbacks in Raiders history -- Daryle Lamonica, Ken Stabler, Jim Plunkett -- where does Garcia rank?

And Garcia is a good quarterback. A likable guy, actually. But does he really look like a Raiders quarterback to you? He seemed more suited to be the fruity pirate on the old Buccaneers logo, but that image doesn't quite translate to the Raiders.

Not to say that the cronies of the Black Hole are less developed than say, your local simian display at the local zoo, but hard to imagine them taking to Garcia's demeanor.

Carmella DeCesare-Garcia will be a big hit in the Black Hole. She'll be a nice replacement for the loss of Lane Kiffin's wife. And just think, those Raiders fans will probably have seen her naked more than Garcia ever has.


We don't like to play into the Garcia is gay rumors, but he's a Raider now so (expletive) him.

At least we are learning to hate again.

And if you are looking for more Adenhart discussion, leave it down below. Not much more to add, other than this question. Would you trade your current life to have one shot at pitching six innings in a Major League ballpark? Because even though Adenhart had his life cut short, he still was able to achieve his dream of being a Major League pitcher. How many of us can say that we've accomplished our dreams?

I, for instance, still have a chance of punching Frank Gifford in the face. Modest dream, yes. But still a dream.

BTW, don't let the tragedy get in the way of your thriving eBay business, guys.

I broke down and sent ESPN's Sports Dork Bill Simpson an email. Here it is.

You seem to have a lot of pull with Boston fans, so I have one request for you. Could you please beg and beseech Boston fans to not go to Friday night's game between the Angels vs. Red Sox? I know many of you guys only have a limited chance to see your team play, but you really don't deserve to be there on Friday night. This is a true tragedy for the Angels and well, your fans suck.

I fear that an incident -- in fact many incidents -- will likely rise because one of your horrible, horrible fans will say something stupid. I don't want to use a broad stroke with all Red Sox fans -- some of which are probably not always classless -- but you know better than anybody how your fans act.

If you could do us this solid, we'd appreciate it. You guys can come out on droves on Saturday and Sunday. Just let us have Friday.

A modest request, no? But one that seems fair. So if you are a Boston fan with tickets for tonight's game, please do not use them.

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