Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pucker up, Buttercup!

So after reading yesterday's Ben Stein-related thread over at Throwing Things, I noticed that one of the HBO multiplex channels was showing "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." This is a movie I need far less of an excuse to watch than coincidence, so of course I dove right in, watching from around Ferris making barfing sounds with his synthesizer until just after they stole Mr. Bueller's cab outside Chez Luis.

Three thoughts consumed me as I watched: 1)I still am amazed that the Matthew Broderick who played Ferris Bueller has been unable to play anything but tightly-pinched, Cameron-esque dweebs for most of his adult film career, 2)I continue to wonder whether, if I first encountered this movie as a 34-year-old instead of as a 14-year-old, I would have rooted for Ferris or for Rooney, and 3)I can't believe that this viewing -- at least the 50th time I've seen this movie, and that's probably a conservative estimate -- is the first time I've ever noticed that Rooney, while standing on the Bueller porch after first hearing Ferris' recorded message, starts to hum "Danke Schoen," which will of course be such a memorable part of Ferris' parade appearance.

So, today's summertime open thread: what is a telling/funny/surprising detail that you never noticed until your umpteenth viewing of a beloved film or TV show?

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