Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Post Mortem

Eva Mendes did not watch the NHL All-Star game, either. So don't be ashamed. And yes, this is kind of a weak attempt to make up for the lack of the Weak Ender. Seems that 8,000 words on Tony Dungy is not a decent enough excuse to go without Friday cheesecake. The CMs have spoken and hopefully, you will forgive us.

Photo was found here.

So how did many of you adjust to your first Sunday without NFL football? Some probably tried to wean themselves with college hoops. Others might have tried NBA basketball. But again, we can all agree that nobody went with the NHL All-Star game, right?

I, however, spent Sunday trying to figure out just what the hell was on the side of Greg Popovich's head. Honestly, what was that thing? Did Eva Longoria hit him when she tossed her compact after Tony Parker informed her that he was going to be a little bit late for the SAG awards? Anybody have any idea what exactly that was?

And for the record, Jeff Van Gundy is an excellent announcer. He's entertaining. He pulled no punches when talking about the Memphis Grizzlies, claiming that the franchise isn't trying to win. That can only lead to the logical conclusion that Van Gundy will one day be working for the Grizzlies. (That's the way these things typically run.)

Just kidding, he'll probably end up getting too full of himself and end up becoming a side-show like Dickie V.

  • Joe Torre has written a book about his years with the Yankees. B from FanHouse had this review: In the book, Joe reveals that Alex Rodriguez is a weird creep, Brian Cashman isn't 100 percent on the level, and George Steinbrenner cares more about the "Yankees" than he does about the people who make up the Yankees. The title of the book, if you're interested in reading it, is Things We Already Knew. Well done.

Not sure if you guys pay much attention to this, but ESPN's Chris Mortenson reported that Mike Shanahan was going to the Kansas City Chiefs. A report that was completely contradicted by NFL Network's Adam Schefter. The same Adam Schefter who wrote for the Denver Post. So who do you figure ended up winning that battle? Of course, ESPN does it's little back peddle and nothing happens. Aren't there any consequences for this stuff anymore?

Are you guys ready for the KWM love fest this week?

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