Friday, October 16, 2009

FlashForward, "Black Swan": Black like me

Quick spoilers for last night's "FlashForward" coming up just as soon as I add frozen yogurt in the future...

Given the number of hours of TV I have to watch every week, there comes a point in the lifespan of any new show where I have to decide whether I'm going to stick with it, or if I'm going to pull a George Costanza and declare, "That's it for me!"

With "FlashForward," I'm not exactly at the latter point, but at the very least I think I'm going to take a break from blogging it for a while, only returning if it gets better.

My complaints are the same that they've been: I don't feel connected to any of the characters, which means I therefore don't care about their existential dilemmas about their flash-forwards. Also, when I find myself siding with the flash-forward skeptics, even though I'm clearly not supposed to, I can tell this is not a show designed for my enjoyment. No need to keep rehashing all that in greater detail. (Though specific to this episode, the priest came off as a complete boob, where I think they could have done something interesting with how organized religion is responding to the first seemingly celestial event since Biblical times.)

So I'll give it another few weeks in the DVR rotation, hope for some kind of breakthrough, but I suspect I'm gonna be done soon.

What did everybody else think?

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