Tuesday, October 13, 2009

House, "Instant Karma": King Midas in reverse

Quick spoilers for last night's "House" coming up just as soon as I offend a cabbie...

Aside from the usual silly Thirteen obsession that House and his writers share, "Instant Karma" was the strongest of the post-"Broken" episodes to date. House was more involved with the case, while still trying his best to be a better man, Lee Tergesen was his usually strong self as the wealthy dad, and Jesse Spencer did a good job playing Chase's angst about being found out. Chase is probably my favorite fellow, original or new recipe, and my main issue with last week's "The Tyrant" was that House wasn't present enough in that story because of the shenanigans with his neighbor's phantom limb pain. "Instant Karma" offered a much better balance between House and his sidekicks.

Hoping Thirteen stays in Thailand, but I know that ain't happening.

What did everybody else think?

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