Monday, October 12, 2009

How I Met Your Mother, "The Sexless Innkeeper": It takes four

Spoilers for tonight's "How I Met Your Mother" coming up just as soon as I sleep on the gouda again...

"The Sexless Innkeeper" was pretty light on story, and had a gaping hole in what little story it had - wouldn't Robin have experienced Lily and Marshall's over-eager desire to double-couple during the brief period when she and Ted were together and Lily and Marshall had gotten back together? - but it was also gloriously silly, and at times very funny.

Usually, Marshall and Lily stories deliberately have the two of them operating on different emotional frequencies to create some comic conflict, but because this was about putting them in conflict with Robin and Barney, they both got to be over the top in their emotional neediness, and Jason Segel and Alyson Hannigan played those notes together well. And turning the story into a parody of romantic comedy cliches, complete with the big emotional gesture conducted standing in the rain, was a nice closing touch.

And, of course, whenever "HIMYM" mentions a fake website, it has to be real, as things turned out to be with, which includes a more elaborate version of the song, featuring guitar by Nuno Bettencourt (in a parody of this Extreme video). Alas, it does not include an expanded version of Marshall's various songs about the cat he killed.

As for the titular tale of Ted the nookie-less hotel manager, it didn't take up any more time than was needed, Barney's initial poem was funny, it's nice to see Robin now teaming up with her man to mock her ex, and Neil Patrick Harris did his usual stellar job at playing Barney's visceral reaction to seeing the hot blonde in Ted's room and realizing the path he has chosen in life.

What did everybody else think?

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