Monday, April 6, 2009

Chuck vs. the chances of renewal

Seems today is Say Nice Things About "Chuck" Day. Fienberg really liked tonight's episode (as did I; I just don't have time to do separate reviews for both before and after it airs, and I still have to finish the after post), the Give Me My Remote blog (from which I appropriated the above graphic) has temporarily renamed itself Give Me My Chuck and has up an Intersect-style round-up of other praise for tonight's episode, and Mo Ryan is Tweeting about the episode, and even rented "Fletch" for the first time to get in the mood for Chevy Chase's guest appearance.

I'm late to this particular party -- though if you have to question my overall "Chuck" allegiance, you haven't been paying enough attention -- so let me just echo a few of Fienberg's thoughts for those of you who read this blog but don't watch "Chuck."

1. "Chuck" is the most purely entertaining show currently on television, whether you're talking network or cable.

2. Tonight's episode features both Chase and Scott Bakula, and you don't need me to tell you how awesome they can be in the right context -- which this decidedly is.

3. Television in general and NBC in particular would be a much sorrier place if "Chuck" isn't around next season.

4. If you've ever trusted me blindly on a TV recommendation and been rewarded, or if you simply agree with some of my takes but suspect that "Chuck" isn't quite for you, give it a shot tonight. The episode's a little heavy on the show's mythology, but there's also a lot of strong self-contained comedy and action and drama -- all the things that make "Chuck" so terrific.

That is all. Back at 9 with specific thoughts on the episode.

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