Monday, April 6, 2009

Proof the God Loves Us

The Red Sox will not ruin opening day. Though, ESPN has gone to tone and bars for three hours in observance of the Sox having their opener rained out. But that is what happens when you open baseball in the Northeast instead of doing it in a dome down in Tampa Bay. You would figure that since the Rays won the AL pennant last year, they had at least earned that right.

Not so much.

And also, apologies for not having a Post Mortem ready for you. I honestly didn't know that people were working today. That kind of hit me when I drove by the bank this morning and saw people coming in and out ... this isn't a national holiday.

With the economy in the tank, maybe we should work in some more holidays for people. Opening Day for baseball. The day after the Super Bowl (though, if the Super Bowl gets pushed to President's Day weekend, that might happen). Things like that. So I'm going to be out getting ready for the Angels openers.

And if you are looking for signs, here is one for you. While picking up Lynchburg Lemonade beers for today's games, BevMo was playing "Roll with the Changes."

Greatest. Day. Ever.

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