Tuesday, April 14, 2009

House, "Saviors": Amber on my mind

Quick spoilers for last night's "House" coming up just as soon as I start eating healthy...
"People only change after a trauma if they wanted to change before a trauma." -House
Well, they paid more lip service to Kutner's death than I was expecting, but for now it still feels like lip service and little more. David Shore has already said that he doesn't think Kutner's suicide is going to change House at all, so while I welcome another fantasy return by Amber(*), nothing's going to come of it other than some fun interplay between Hugh Laurie and Anne Dudek. And aside from Cameron, kinda sorta (in that she didn't want Chase's proposal to be related to Kutner's death), all the other characters already seem to have moved on from an event that should have a much more profound effect on the series.

(*) As soon as I recognized Dudek's voice as Cutthroat Bitch, all I could think about, again, was what a bad decision Shore and company made in dumping Amber in favor of any of the other three. Yes, she could be one-note at times during the competition part of that season, but from her elimination episode onward, she was the most vibrant and interesting character on the show other than House himself. Dudek and Robert Sean Leonard were brilliant in the season finale, but I'd rather give up that episode if it meant we'd had Amber around all this time. Her elimination is even more frustrating than the writers' non-use of Kutner for the last two years.

Well, at least we got to hear Laurie rock out on "Georgia On My Mind" on both keyboard and harmonica, and the Chase and Cameron fans don't have anything to complain about for one week, but "Saviors" didn't do a lot to change my opinion about the suicide as yet another potential-laden "House" storyline that's going to be ignored as quickly as it's convenient to do so.

What did everybody else think?

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