Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ozzie Guillen: Froot Loop

And no, that is not meant as a question to Ozzie's sexuality. The White Sox manager, as many of you have likely heard, has gotten into hot water for using a derogatory term for homosexuals when referring to columnist Jay Mariotti.

But who hasn't?

Of course, Guillen was forced to apologize and he went to the standard, �I�m not homophobic, my boyfriend is gay.� Actually, Guillen asserted his openness to homosexuals by saying that he will be attending the Gay Games (don't buy your tickets on Stub Hub), goes to ton of WNBA games and even went to a Madonna concert.

Seriously, a Madonna concert. And at this point, the WNBA should just drop any pretenses of who its league caters to and should put rainbows on their jerseys.

But still, Ozzie could be a little bit more convincing. Here are a few suggestions on how Ozzie could prove to the world that he is not homophobic. Because really, just going to a Madonna concert isn�t good enough. Please feel free to weigh in on the comments section.

I'm not homophobic, I watched Will & Grace.

I'm not homophobic, I belong to PETA.

I'm not homophobic, I watched Top Gun.

I'm not homphobic, I like the original line-up of Van Halen.

I'm not homophobic, I served on a Greek submarine.

I'm not homophobic, I hang out with Michael Strahan.

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