Monday, November 12, 2007

andreikirilenkotattoo on TV: More 'Chuck,' please

Ordinarily, I try not to write too many columns about any one show, even the ones I love, more than two or three times a season: once at the start, once near the end, and maybe once at the middle. The strike, however, wreaks havoc with that approach, and there are shows where I have to write about now or never -- particularly the borderline cases like "Chuck" that didn't get back nine orders before the writers walked. An excerpt from today's column:
Levi's appealing Everyman quality allows him to convincingly utter lines like "You know, if I had a blog, this would be a really big day for me" after discovering he may have been poisoned to death, and it allows the writers to sometimes get away with forgettable spy heroics. The espionage stories on "Chuck" aren't going to make anyone forsake the Bond or Bourne movies anytime soon, but because Chuck's in the middle of them, they're often besides the point. We just want to see how he's going to respond to being poisoned, or to having to land a helicopter with no training outside of video games, or, tonight, to being in a fake relationship with Sarah when a real girl would date him if she didn't think he had a girlfriend.
To read the full thing, click here.

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