Monday, February 25, 2008

THN's Take on Immigration

The hot-button issue for the presidential race is immigration and securing our nation�s borders. Well, at least the border that keeps Mexico out.

And this needs to stop. I would like to jump on the border at Otay Mesa and demand -- much like Ronald Regan once did -- that we "tear down this wall." Mexican people are useful for our society. The contribute. And hell, what would the Raiders attendance be without them?

THN would like to advocate erasing the borders and allowing peaceful people to cross our border (as illustrated below).

However, we do need a wall to preserve our way of life. We need a wall to keep out the scourge of society and leave the most dangerous immigrants in the dirty crap factories that they crawled in from.

In other words, we need a wall to keep New Yorkers and Bostonians the hell out.

Is it impossible to think of a world where New Yorkers and people from Massachusetts actually lived in New York and Massachusetts? Hell, I'd be a Minuteman on that wall, shooting any greaseball in a Jeter jersey making a dash for the border.

It's not like we are racist against those from the Northeast. Hell, some of our best friends are from New York and Boston. But they are some of the good ones. Most of these dirty immigrants sneak into California, Arizona and Colorado, steal our jobs, send their illiterate kids to our schools, and clog our freeways. They have their own place to live, so they should just stay there.

Hell, a lot of them can't even speak proper English. They show up at our sporting events talking about the Gawhden or the Monstah or the Bronx like its some great place. Well this is America, and you a-holes can either love it or leave it.

INS could have camped outside Staples Center last night to round up all of the front-running greasebacks who didn't care about the Celtics a year ago. They should send a green truck right down to the Sports Dork Bill Simpson's house and make him the poster boy for Northeastern deportation.

We deserve to live in a world where we can go to an Angels baseball game and not sit next to some drunk a-hole from New York and Boston who badmouths our country, throws f-bombs and won't honor our flag.

And there are some in the movement who believe that the new border should be extended even more:

But that may be getting a little ahead of ourselves. Although, college football already seems to have unofficially enacted that border.

Nobody wants to get political, but this just had to be said.

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