Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Middleman, "The Flying Fish Zombification": Dubby does the Devil Dance!!!!

Quick spoilers for "The Middleman" coming up just as soon as I assert my musical knowledge...

That's more like it.

After last week's misstep (which was apparently produced as the second episode, and which ABC Family and the producers were wise enough to recognize should be buried a few weeks into the season), we get an episode more in line with the quality and quirkiness of everything else that came before. I'm in a hurry to get to the "Mad Men" set visit, so I'm just going to rattle off a few things I particularly liked and then open it up for discussion:
  • Noser's version of Stump the Band consisting of nothing but Noser declaring, "Yeah, I know that one" -- and still amazing all the art school kids;
  • The fact that they were able to do an episode about Sensei Ping without ever showing Sensei Ping -- and with almost all of the action implied rather than shown -- the sort of budget-saving measures that would be really annoying on a lot of shows but are pulled off with style and wit here;
  • The use of the theme song during the climactic fight scene with the !!!! spokesmodels, and the way we just heard "Middleman!" when Middleman punched out the one girl still standing after the fight was over.
  • The sheer heinousness of the God monologue ("Hey God... have you heard of... the INTERNET?!?!?!?!!?")
  • The repeated gags (the full title of Lacey's mom, the !!!! dance/wave) that somehow don't get tired -- yet, anyway.
What did everybody else think?

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