Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Weak Yankees Fans

Leave it to the soft New York fans to leave an All-Star game early. How much did you end up paying for that ticket? And yeah, you'll get the crying, "Think of the children" crowd. But good lord, if you can't let your kid stay up late past his/her bedtime in the middle of July, then there is just no hope for our society.

Besides, the people in the stadium had no excuse as we were the ones forced to listen to Joe Buck who has to be the only person who could deadpan a porn a make it seem uninteresting. And really, it wasn't until hearing his uninspired call of David Tyree's miracle catch that you could really hear that Buck is the worst announcer in the history of the planet. If only he could follow Billy Packer's example.

Here are some other notes:

  • Don't be ashamed if you were rooting for the American League to lose after Sphincter Boy Papelbon let the National League to break the tie in the eight inning. You were not alone. Having the AL lose on Sphincter's blunder would have probably been the most fitting end for this game.

  • Reader Matt P. had it right -- if you didn't want Scott Kazmir to pitch in the game, don't send him. Have James Shields get in there. Or maybe Dustin Mosley could have pitched a few innings. Or better yet, how about letting some of the other starters work a few innings? Joe Saunders missed his start and could have thrown some more.

  • Michael Young may never play in a World Series, but he's helped decide home field advantage in two of them.

  • The Yankees should be cursed for getting rid of Yankee Stadium, but maybe that started retroactively back to 2001.

  • Keith Youkilis is the Douglas C. Neidermeyer of baseball. He will be killed by his own teammates before his baseball career is over.

  • You still have to be impressed the way that baseball celebrates its past. Compare that to the NFL which is nearly begging you to forget about anybody who played in the league. FOX paid tribute to Bobby Murcer, a decent player who recently passed away. Conversely, the NFL wouldn't let the Colts recognize the passing of Johnny Unitas -- arguably the greatest quarterback in NFL history. Baseball wins that one hands, down. And if they can get their network into homes, they would have that, too.

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