Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bones, "The Man in the Outhouse": Two guys, a girl and a Thai place

Quick spoilers for last night's "Bones" coming up just as soon as I get my dive certification...

Even by the usual "Bones" mystery standards, last night's case was particularly weak, the sort of generic and dull riff on reality TV that probably every other crime procedural of the last five years has done at one point or another. And while I'll always be in the bag for Carla Gallo thanks to "Undeclared," I thought her role as the second in the revolving-door series of replacement Zachs was too broadly and repetitively written. I get that each of these people will (other than Clark) only be around for an episode and there's only so much time to devote to the role after the writers have dealt with the mystery, the Booth/Brennan interaction, etc., but I hope the future guests are more interesting.

So, since the episode was pretty much a dud outside the usual goodness involving our two leads and Dr. Sweets, here's a question for the fans: at what point, if ever, do you want to see Booth and Brennan actually get together? I'm of the belief that Unresolved Sexual Tension can, in fact, be resolved without ruining the show (see PB&J on "The Office," or the various periods when Sam and Diane were together on "Cheers"), and that certain shows in fact get irreparably harmed by trying to postpone the coupling too long ("Ed"), but I haven't been watching "Bones" long or carefully enough to have a strong opinion on this one.

What do you think?

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