Thursday, December 11, 2008

Golden Globe nominations: the TV side

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association, that mysterious group responsible for the most meaningful meaningless awards show of them all, have announced this year's Golden Globe nominations.

Easy as the Globes are to mock as a whole, the HFPA has an odd history of being more open to new TV product than the Emmys. Sometimes, that's a good thing (Sarah Michelle Gellar was once nominated for "Buffy"), sometimes not so much (Keri Russell won for "Felicity"), but it's often nice to see some unusual suspects show up on the nominations list.

Not so much this year, where the only TV newcomer of note is "In Treatment," and where most of the nominees are either familiar ("House"), bad ("The Tudors," which gets love as a production with lots of international actors), or both ("Entourage," which inexplicably includes a nomination for Kevin Connolly as best actor in a comedy).

Feel free to discuss 'em if you want. I have some major blog catch-up to do.

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