Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Weak Ender: Another Cannonball Member Gone?

That's right, no image in this week's ender. Take a moment and imagine the image of Farrah Fawcett, in her one piece bathing suit, flashing that beautiful smile. Probably one of the most lasting images of the 1970s.

There is no need to post that picture here because you can already picture it in your mind.

(And if you are too young to have been around for the 1970s, this is what we are talking about.)

The critics said that Charlie's Angels was the beginning of "Jiggle TV." A notion that sex sold on television. The only difference between that era of the 1970s and the current crop of bimbos is that those women were sexy. The mere image of Farrah in a one-piece bathing suit was titillating. Filled the fantasy of young men for a generation.

And to be honest, there are many who will contend that Farrah was the least of the three Charlie's Angels. They aren't wrong.

But that was a sexy era. Charlie's Angels. Battle of the Network Stars. A generation could be turned on by Farrah's one-piece. Charlene Tilton going into the dunk tank. Compare that to today's bimbos who have to garner attention by flashing their beavers when coming out of a parked car.

Going back to that poster, how many of you had that as one of your first posters? I had that, a Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders poster and a Go With the Rams poster on my wall. One day, I ripped (like slightly tore) one of my sister's Kiss posters (she had like 90 of them). My punishment from my mom was to allow my sister to rip every poster off my wall.

The Farrah one hurt the worst.

And years later, when I found out my sister was a lesbian, I'm surprised that she just didn't keep the poster.

For the record, I have not watched Cannonball Run since Dom died, so the next time I do, well, it will be dusty in the house.

AND SINCE we're being nice to Farrah, here's my take on Michael Jackson. I want to see the body. Michael sightings are going to dwarf Elvis sightings from years ago. Put that body on Hollywood Blvd., like Morgan Freeman in Unforgiven (not Tombstonee as I idiotically stated earlier). And speaking of that ... please, spell the name correctly on the tombstone.

THE CAVS are going to have some awesome pregame introductions, a point raised by Reader Matt P. But see people, I told you the NBA was fixed. The Association didn't want to give the fans LeBron vs. Kobe until Shaq came aboard. Who is laughing now?

THE CLIPPERS are going to regret passing on that point guard. Blake Griffin is not an NBA player. Patty Mills should have stayed in school.

AND FINALLY, a new feud? Chad Ochocinco vs. Shawne Merriman. Looks awesome!

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