Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bored to Death, "The Case of the Stolen Skateboard": Hey, big nose!

Spoilers for tonight's "Bored to Death" coming up just as soon as my feet feel really interesting in my shoes...

We're even-numbered, and this was a pretty good one, with probably the best noir parody moment yet, as the skate punks chased Jonathan down the hill, and with a good intersection between the fake private eye gig and Jonathan's real life as an annoying Brooklyn hipster.

Ted Danson continues to be hilarious, they're starting to use Galifianakis more, and I liked Parker Posey a lot as Jonathan's radical vegan client-cum-pseudo-girlfriend.

This isn't a great show, but episodes like this feel like it could at least be an entertaining weekly diversion if they can get some more consistency.

What did everybody else think?

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