Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dexter, "Blinded by the Light": Won't you be my neighbor?

Quick spoilers for tonight's "Dexter" coming up just as soon as I play my Best of Bananarama tape...

Still not feeling all that inspired by the non-Lundy/Trinity portions of the season, but at least there was more of those two in this one, as we start to get a sense of how Trinity operates, and as Lundy gets into the heads of both Deb and Dexter. I like how ambiguously Keith Carradine plays Lundy's scenes with Dexter, so that it seems like he's always one Dexter misstep away from realizing what our man is all about, even though (for now) he's focused 100% on Trinity.

As for Dex's adventures with the neighborhood watch, it continues the defanging of the character: Oh, that wacky serial killer! He can't even sneak around his own neighborhood!" That said, I did like his problems with Astor, in that it's a reminder of how much Dexter is faking his emotional interactions with the world. He was great with kids, where the emotions are broader and easier to both understand and pretend to reciprocate, but teenagers are so hard to read - more volatile, and with more emotional gradations, than most adults. So it was at least vaguely interesting to see an unexpected complication to his life as Daddy Dexter.

But when the most memorable part of a storyline with the main character is Masuka's hilariously pimped-out truck, that ain't good.

What did everybody else think?

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