Sunday, March 9, 2008

andreikirilenkotattoo on TV: The Wire unplugged

Today's column previews the finale of "The Wire" by looking back over great moments in the show's history that either paid off long after the fact (say, the above-pictured scene of the boys plotting their "water balloon" attack and how important it was last week) or moments that were pay-offs a long time in coming (say, Avon and Stringer's balcony talk). It's not remotely complete (for space reasons, I had to cut bits about Ziggy's rampage and the Robert's Rules of Order scene at the last minute, and there were plenty of others that never even made it that far). There are also YouTube links to most of the scenes mentioned.

Back tonight at 10:35 (or whenever the credits begin, if I'm in front of my TV at that second) with both the finale review and the Simon interview.

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