Monday, March 3, 2008

How Raiders Fans Are Conceived

Gina Cruz here demonstrates how she earns her ticket money to Raiders games. But the joke is on her, because those tickets would probably be given away for free.

Just kidding.

Ms. Cruz was selected as Raiders Online No. 1 fan. Which is akin to being valedictorian at Cal State Northridge. You have to wonder what somebody does to become the No. 1 Raiders fan. Is it based on the number of Chargers fans stabbed per year? The most likely explanation is that the webmaster felt he could get somewhere with her if he bestowed her this owner. But in truth, he probably could have gotten her with a half-eaten hot dog and six pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Notice, too, that Gina is wearing a Randy Moss jersey. She probably needs to make a couple more trips to the back of the Expedition to make enough money for a new jersey. (And speaking of Moss, do you wonder if the Raiders made a pitch to Moss this week?)

But congratulations, Gina. And remember, those football pants are not your friend. They give you that Earl Campbell look.

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