Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Middleman, "The Sino-Mexican Revelation": To the Dubby-mobile!

Brief, belated spoilers for "The Middleman" episode three coming up just as soon as I set my watch to Newfoundland Time...

I don't have time to either be watching this show or blogging about it -- I think I injured my shoulder toting home all the press tour-related DVDs I need to watch in the next few days -- but I think I'm falling in love with "Middleman" a little. In fact, I can't remember the last time a show went from completely off my radar (I basically popped in the screener after seeing an interview with the creator on Newsarama) to one I feel like I can't do without in such a short period of time. I honestly don't know if they can keep up this high-wire action/comedy act long term, but boy does it put a smile on my face right now.

Again, I have to get to other things, so a few quick observations. First, I love what they're doing with the chyrons, whether it's all the funky time signatures, the repeating of lengthy bits of dialogue to establish locales, or the flip-flopping of English and Spanish subtitles when Wendy was going up against the head Lucha Libre villain. Second, I like how the show manages to always be self-aware (say, the Wendy-as-Robin moment) without ever seeming smug about it. Third, I admire how the show is able to peddle the flesh of both Natalie Morales and Matt Keeslar on a regular basis without coming across as skeevy or pandering. (It's the gender-equal nature of it, I guess.) And, fourth, the episode climaxed with Mark Dacascos (star of TV's "The Crow") doing his best Bruce Lee impression while beating up an army of Lucha Libre wrestlers. How could you not dig every second of that?

What did everybody else think?

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