Thursday, December 2, 2010

2004 L'Audi RSQ (I Robot) Photos Wallpapers Pictuers

The futuristic film car Audi RSQ was presented to the public for the first time on April 7, 2004 at the New York International Automobile Show. Audi tackles its most ambitious product placement project ever: For the epic event motion picture �I, ROBOT�, Audi Design developed the spectacular vehicle, which helps leading actor Will Smith � a homicide detective in the year 2035 � solve a mystery that could have grave consequences for the human race. Fox releases �I, ROBOT� in the U.S. on July 16; the film arrives in Germany in August.
In the near future, technology and robots are a trusted part of everyday life. In �I, ROBOT�, that trust is broken and one man, alone against the system, sees it coming. The film employs spectacular visual effects innovations beyond any ever put on screen, to bring a world of robots to life. The film is directed
by Alex Proyas (Dark City, The Crow) and is set in a world created by famed science fiction writer Isaac Asimov in his short story collection �I, ROBOT�.
For the first time ever, Audi developed a car specifically for a major Hollywood motion picture. Audi engineers created a car for �I, ROBOT�s� incredible world of 2035.
The resulting Audi RSQ sport coupe is a visionary interpretation of Audi�s typical design language. The most important thing was that despite its extreme character the car should still be recognized as an Audi. The cinemagoer will therefore see the new Audi front-end with the typical single-frame grille in the movie.
The RSQ includes special features suggested by movie director Alex Proyas. The mid-engined sports car operated by the story�s police department, races through the Chicago of the future not on wheels but on spheres. Its two doors are rear-hinged to the C-posts of the body and open according to the butterfly principle.
In addition to the RSQ concept car, Audi supplied further volume-production cars which appear � in disguised shapes � in the movie�s traffic scenes. Audi also supplied the interior mock-up used for interior car scenes.
With this project Audi opens up a new chapter in product placement. Previously, the brand with the four rings has always supplied volume-production cars to movie productions. In individual cases, such as �Mission: Impossible II,� these cars were even used in movies before their market launch. With �I, ROBOT� and the systematic development of a �car of the future,� Audi goes far beyond its previous product placement activities.
Audi has been participating as an automobile partner in major movie productions for several years. In addition to John Frankenheimer�s action classic �Ronin� with Jean Reno and Robert de Niro (1998), the brand with the four rings played the automobile lead in �The Insider� (1999) featuring Academy Award Winner Russell Crowe, �Mission Impossible II� (starring Tom Cruise, 2000), �The Mothman Prophecies� (starring Richard Gere, 2002), �About a Boy� (starring Hugh Grant, 2002) and Reese Witherspoon�s �Legally Blond 2� (2003). 

L'Audi RSQ est un concept-car sp�cifiquement cr�� par le constructeur allemand Audi pour le film de science-fiction L'Audi RSQ I Robot. s'agit de l'interpr�tation de l'automobile des ann�es 2030 par le designer Martin Ertl. Le concept est pr�sent� au public pour la premi�re fois lors du New York International Automobile Show, le 7 avril 2004.
Le r�alisateur du film I, Robot, Alex Proyas, fut tr�s impressionn� par le concept-car Audi Nuvolari Quattro, pr�sent� en 2003. Pour les besoins de son film, il d�cide alors de faire appel � Audi pour r�aliser la voiture dans laquelle l'acteur Will Smith sera amen� � jouer
L�histoire se d�roule en 2035, les robots font partie int�grante de la vie quotidienne des humains. Tous ont confiance en eux sauf une personne : un d�tective un peu parano�aque incarn� par Will Smith.
 Il doit enqu�ter sur un crime dont il est le seul � croire qu�il a �t� commis par un robot. Son enqu�te dans le Chicago du futur l�am�nera � d�couvrir qu�une menace bien plus effrayante p�se sur les hommes.
Les concepteurs, techniciens et ing�nieurs n'ont eu que dix semaines pour construire le mod�le, sur la base des quelques recommandations d'Alex Proyas. En juillet, l'Audi RSQ est termin�e et amen�e sur les plateaux de tournage du film, o� elle restera pendant plusieurs mois.
Bien qu'il soit certain que ce concept-car ne sera jamais produit, il s'inspire n�anmoins des codes stylistiques de la marque, � l'image de la calandre Single Frame sur laquelle sont appos�s les anneaux, logo d'Audi.
La RSQ abandonne les roues conventionnelles au profit de � sph�res � permettant de l�viter et elle est �quip�e de portes papillon.
La carrosserie de l�Audi RSQ, peinte dans un ton nacr� � gris lunaire � prenant des teintes dor�es selon l'orientation de la lumi�re, est en fibre de verre. � l'int�rieur, l'Audi RSQ donne, selon le constructeur, l'impression de se trouver dans un cockpit d'avion muni de si�ges baquets.
En ce qui concerne le moteur, aucune information n'a �t� diffus�e hormis le fait qu'il se place en position centrale. 

The futuristic film car Audi RSQ was presented to the public for the first time on April 7, 2004 at the New York International Automobile Show. Audi tackles its most ambitious product placement project ever: For the epic event motion picture �I, ROBOT�, Audi Design developed the spectacular vehicle, which helps leading actor Will Smith � a homicide detective in the year 2035 � solve a mystery that could have grave consequences for the human race. Fox releases �I, ROBOT� in the U.S. on July 16; the film arrives in Germany in August.
In the near future, technology and robots are a trusted part of everyday life. In �I, ROBOT�, that trust is broken and one man, alone against the system, sees it coming. The film employs spectacular visual effects innovations beyond any ever put on screen, to bring a world of robots to life. The film is directed
by Alex Proyas (Dark City, The Crow) and is set in a world created by famed science fiction writer Isaac Asimov in his short story collection �I, ROBOT�.
For the first time ever, Audi developed a car specifically for a major Hollywood motion picture. Audi engineers created a car for �I, ROBOT�s� incredible world of 2035.
The resulting Audi RSQ sport coupe is a visionary interpretation of Audi�s typical design language. The most important thing was that despite its extreme character the car should still be recognized as an Audi. The cinemagoer will therefore see the new Audi front-end with the typical single-frame grille in the movie.
The RSQ includes special features suggested by movie director Alex Proyas. The mid-engined sports car operated by the story�s police department, races through the Chicago of the future not on wheels but on spheres. Its two doors are rear-hinged to the C-posts of the body and open according to the butterfly principle.
In addition to the RSQ concept car, Audi supplied further volume-production cars which appear � in disguised shapes � in the movie�s traffic scenes. Audi also supplied the interior mock-up used for interior car scenes.
With this project Audi opens up a new chapter in product placement. Previously, the brand with the four rings has always supplied volume-production cars to movie productions. In individual cases, such as �Mission: Impossible II,� these cars were even used in movies before their market launch. With �I, ROBOT� and the systematic development of a �car of the future,� Audi goes far beyond its previous product placement activities.
Audi has been participating as an automobile partner in major movie productions for several years. In addition to John Frankenheimer�s action classic �Ronin� with Jean Reno and Robert de Niro (1998), the brand with the four rings played the automobile lead in �The Insider� (1999) featuring Academy Award Winner Russell Crowe, �Mission Impossible II� (starring Tom Cruise, 2000), �The Mothman Prophecies� (starring Richard Gere, 2002), �About a Boy� (starring Hugh Grant, 2002) and Reese Witherspoon�s �Legally Blond 2� (2003).

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