Wednesday, November 8, 2006

The O.C.: Really, who doesn't need Chiclets?

Spoilers for "The O.C." coming right up...

First off, I need to get this off my chest: Hollywood needs to institute at least a 5-year moratorium, if not longer, on stealing the "Silence of the Lambs" fake-out about who's knocking on whose door. I think my three-year-old daughter could have figured out the Seth/Ryan switcheroo before it happened, and I spent a good chunk of the scene with Seth and Volchok groaning at it instead of paying attention to what was probably one of Adam Brody's better performances in a while.

The Mexico jaunt is the weakest of the season's first four episodes, the one where the tones mix most awkwardly -- and, not surprisingly, what works best is the funny stuff, whether it's Taylor's horrified reaction to Summer's crunchy new look ("When was the last time you shaved your legs? It's like a forest! You've got hobbit feet!") or the entire scene with Luke's brothers shaving their chests ("Gay dad always trumps slutty mom"). On the other hand, the insertion of Steve-O to add some levity to the Mexico scenes didn't work, aside from inspiring a lengthy philosophical debate between myself and Josh Schwartz over which would be more likely to keep Seth from being buried in Jewish cemetary: the shiksa mom or the tattoo?

I did like Seth betraying Ryan to save him, but rewatching this one made me glad I was immediately able to go to the next one (and to the one after that). In that way, it's a good thing episodes two and three are airing on back-to-back nights. Now if only Fox had bothered to promote this at all...

What did everybody else think?

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