Friday, December 8, 2006

Survivor: The case of the missing coconuts (and hat)

"Survivor" spoilers coming up just as soon as I decide whether it's ethical to hide food from my family if I was the one who went to the grocery store...

Well, that was disappointing. And not very interesting, to boot. The first out and out dud episode since the mutiny.

I can't believe Yul allowed himself to be bullied by Adam and Parvati (and, I'm guessing, Sundra) into letting Jonathan get voted off ahead of those two self-righteous, lazy idiots. First of all, this whole notion that Parvati and Adam behave so much better when Jonathan's not around shouldn't be an indictment of Jonathan, but of Adam and Parvati. They have made things personal in a way that they shouldn't be, especially since it's their own damn fault that Jonathan was still around while they voted out so many other members of their alliance. It's like, they can't admit that they screwed up, so they turn into the worst kind of bitter, moralizing name-callers. I get that Jonathan had a forceful personality, but those two (and Candice before she left) spent the last two episodes conducting one of the nastiest, most effective smear campaigns I've seen since Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

(Parvati also got lucky sending Jonathan to Exile Island when she did, or else I imagine her dad, with no insider knowledge, would've picked the lone husband-and-wife team to join in on the reward.)

More to the point, Adam and Parvati hated Jonathan so much that there was no way the remaining member of that duo would ever try to ally with him (unlike Yul, who until this episode had proven the ability to put personal feelings aside in favor of smart game play. Now you have a solid duo left, and all they need is to flip one person (the previews hinted at Ozzy) to force a tie. Why risk that? Why risk a Raro slipping all the way to final two (or, as we've since learned, final three) when the jury is going to be dominated by Raro members?

I'm of two minds on Operation: Vanishing Coconut. Ozzy makes a good point about feeding the competition, especially when the competition does next to nothing to help acquire or prepare the food (though Parvati did chop her thumb off while trying to open a coconut). On the other hand, why give ammunition to what's already going to be the most obnoxious, juvenile jury since All-Stars? I'm surprised Yul the diplomat was on board with both that and Fishgate last week; regardless of the moral high ground, you can't afford to alienate too many of the people who control whether you get a million bucks.

Sigh... Jonathan had zero chance of winning, and even he knew that, but I hate that his early boot allows Adam and Parvati to feel justified in their nasty, nasty behavior. Every time I see Adam's neanderthal smirk, I want to smack him with a coconut -- assuming I could find one without having to climb a tree.

What did everybody else think?

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