Monday, February 12, 2007

HIMYM: Legs aren't broke, but they're broke

Spoilers for "How I Met Your Mother" just as soon as I get that damn Flaming Lips song about Vaseline out of my head...

Let's start with the last scene first. Why the flash-forward glimpse of Ted marrying The Mother? My guess, and it's only that, is that they made this episode while "Monday Night Football" was still in contention to air after the Super Bowl, meaning this would have been the first episode to air after that exposure to a potentially huge new audience, meaning they would have to throw that audience a little bone about what the show's really about. Either that, or we've now entered the beginning of the end of Ted and Robin's happy l'il relationship, and we needed the reminder that Ted's destined to end up with somebody else.

Liked that the episode played both as an anthology and as the show's own backwards equivalent of Pinter's "The Betrayal" (or Seinfeld's "The Betrayal"), and my preference for the four stories was directly chronological, with Mr. Barney's Wild Ride as my favorite and Ted's boring penny my least favorite (though it was also the briefest). I was impressed by how much food all the brides-to-be had to throw at Car Alarm Guy, by the way.

Very solid episode. What did everybody else think?

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