Friday, February 2, 2007

The O.C.: Insert "SexyBack" joke here...

Very brief spoilers for "The O.C." coming right up...

Definitely feeling the melancholy at the prospect of three episodes left, even if, plotwise, the show continues limping towards the finish line. The Julie/Frank and Kaitlin/Bullet pairings at the end were pretty sweet (though I wonder how long Gordon, cool as he is in his own weird way, will actually be willing to play father figure to his ex-girlfriend's daughter), but I still don't really buy Kevin Sorbo as Ryan's dad, and I feel like the state of Seth and Summer's relationship has been questioned far, far too many times in only 13 episodes this season.

Liked the Bait Shop in-joke where the reporter wonders how such a tiny venue always gets such big names, but I'm very disappointed in Josh -- or whoever the show's '80s Reference Continuity Supervisor is supposed to be -- for having Kirsten blame her perm on "Top Gun," which came out in the summer of '86, and then have her meet Sandy while he's campaigning for Mondale sometime in 1984.

That's all I've got, though Fienberg has an amusing take on how incestuous the show has been and continues to be now that Ryan's dad has hooked up with his dead girlfriend's mom.

What did everybody else think?

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