Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Amazing Race: C is for Cookie, that's bad enough for me

Quick "Amazing Race" spoilers coming up just as soon as I have some homemade lemonade...

The implosion of Uchenna and Joyce's Frankfurt connection meant that the producers had to spend the rest of the episode pretending like it was a four-person race, even doing the lame attempt to create suspense over who would make it to the mat in third place. They even kept U/J off-screen for 40 minutes or so in the hopes we would forget them and get concerned about whether the Yield would hurt Eric and Danielle or if the Chas could work through their spat in time. But, of course, none of it mattered, because U/J were so far back that the producers didn't even bother showing them doing the Detour and Roadblock. (Or is there a mercy rule in a situation like this where the producers don't force a team to go through the motions if everyone else has checked in by the time they arrive in the pit stop city?)

So now we're down to four teams, one of whom I love (Cha-Cha-Cha), one I'm generally fond of (the Beauty Queens), the other two of whom I despise. Why do I have a bad feeling it's going to be Charla/Mirna and Eric/Danielle racing to the final mat?

The BQs made a bad call with the Yield, which is really only valuable if you use it one of two ways: 1)If you Yield the last-place team, giving yourself an extra cushion to avoid finishing last; or, to a much lesser extent, 2)If all the teams are closely bunched together and you Yield a powerhouse team in the hopes it slows them enough that there's a chance they could go out. This was neither. Either you Yield Uchenna and Joyce (who very clearly had missed their Frankfurt connection, which the BQs and everyone else knew about), or you don't use it. Now this is going to create annoying friction and drama and give the likes of Mirna yet another excuse to act self-righteous.

What did everybody else think?

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