Friday, May 1, 2009

Party Down, "Brandix Corporate Retreat": Peeping Roman

Quick spoilers for tonight's "Party Down" coming up just as soon as I tell you that I've seen "300" exactly 1/4 times (I gave up 30 minutes in)...

The last few episodes of "Party Down" had been so deliriously funny that I knew a let-down was inevitable sooner or later -- even the best comedies have let-down episodes now and then -- and we finally got it with "Brandix Corporate Retreat." Aside from a few funny throwaway moments like Constance only knowing Rick Fox as an actor, or the revelation of who/what Roman was really peeping on, it was extremely light on laughs and never really built up to a climax the way the previous episodes did.

(Like the subject of Roman's surveillance, the episode wasn't a closer.)

I thought some of the ideas had promise -- Henry's bonding with the guests finally leads to a job offer (albeit one not as promising as he's led to believe), and Henry's increasing investment in the relationship with Casey leads him to do something stupid -- but the execution wasn't there. They didn't even give Rob Corddry anything funny to do, which was odd, given how well they've written for all the previous guest stars.

Hey, it happens. I have an unwatched DVD of the season's final three episodes, and I'm looking forward to it just as much now as I was before seeing this one.

What did everybody else think?

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