The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that the first one was useless. ~Nicholas Chamfort
One promises much, to avoid giving little. ~Marquis de Vauvenargues
Short A: Don't copy my entire site.
No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys. ~Doug Horton
The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. ~Eric Porterfield
A free press can be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom a press will never be anything but bad. ~Albert Camus
I have my own particular sorrows, loves, delights; and you have yours. But sorrow, gladness, yearning, hope, love, belong to all of us, in all times and in all places. Music is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their universality. ~H.A. Overstreet

It is almost impossible to remember how tragic a place this world is when one is playing golf. ~Robert Lynd

Christmas! The very word brings joy to our hearts. No matter how we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given - when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling we had as children, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes. ~Joan Winmill Brown
You can only trust yourself... and barely that. ~Paige Wilson
Phrase: a brief, apt, and cogent expression; a word or group of words forming a unit and conveying meaning.

Are we not like two volumes of one book? ~Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
Old Time, that greatest and longest established spinner of all!.... his factory is a secret place, his work is noiseless, and his hands are mutes. ~Charles Dickens
One of the very few reasons I had any respect for my mother when I was thirteen was because she would reach into the sink with her bare hands - bare hands - and pick up that lethal gunk and drop it into the garbage. To top that, I saw her reach into the wet garbage bag and fish around in there looking for a lost teaspoon. Bare hands - a kind of mad courage. ~Robert Fulghum
We proceed out of history into history again. ~Sidney Alexander
Middle age is having a choice between two temptations and choosing the one that'll get you home earlier. ~Dan Bennett
Envy is a littleness of soul, which cannot see beyond a certain point, and if it does not occupy the whole space feels itself excluded. ~William Hazlitt, Characteristics, 1823

Always hold your head up, but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level. ~Max L. Forman

Here we write well when we expose frauds and hypocrites. We are great at counting warts and blemishes and weighting feet of clay. In expressing love, we belong among the underdeveloped countries. ~Saul Bellow, about America
If one truly has lost hope, one would not be on hand to say so. ~Eric Bentley
We receive three educations, one from our parents, one from our schoolmasters, and one from the world. The third contradicts all that the first two teach us. ~Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu
The regular course was Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with; and then the different branches of Arithmetic - Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision. ~Lewis Carroll
This is California. Blondes are like the state flower or something. ~From the television show Beverly Hills 90210
Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone. ~Jim Fiebig
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