There is nothing more dangerous than history used as a defense, or history used for preaching; history used as a tool is no longer history. ~Marcel Trudel

Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God. ~Author Unknown

That ephemeral sheet,... the newspaper, is the natural enemy of the book, as the whore is of the decent woman. ~E. and J. de Goncourt, Journal, July 1858
There are a billion people in China. It's not easy to be an individual in a crowd of more than a billion people. Think of it. More than a BILLION people. That means even if you're a one-in-a-million type of guy, there are still a thousand guys exactly like you. ~A. Whitney Brown, The Big Picture
A mind of the caliber of mine cannot derive its nutriment from cows. ~George Bernard Shaw
History is past politics, and politics present history. ~John Robert Seeley, The Growth of British Policy
Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ~Susan Ertz, Anger in the Sky
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. ~Mark Twain
Astrologers that future fates foreshow. ~Alexander Pope
It's not computer literacy that we should be working on, but sort of human-literacy. Computers have to become human-literate. ~Nicholas P. Negroponte
I was undoubtedly at the end of my strength. A flood of tears gushed from my eyes. I wouldn't have been able to tell the reason for these tears, which were not tears of distress, and which, to the contrary, gave me relief and relaxation.... It was for myself I was weeping, perhaps, for my presence in this garden, for this cursed love in which I felt that everything which then remained to me - every generous impulse, every lost desire, and every noble ambition was profaned by the impure breath of these kisses, of which I was ashamed and for which I was also thirsty. Well, no! Why should I lie to myself? Physical tears... tears of weakness, fatigue and fever, tears of enervation before sights too cruel for my debilitated senses, before odors too strong for my sense of smell, before the continual oscillation of my carnal desires from impotence to frenzy... the tears of a woman... tears for nothing at all! ~"The Garden," Chapter 6
I don't even know what I was running for - I guess I just felt like it. ~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, Chapter 1

By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong. ~Charles Wadsworth
I don't think a really good pie can be made without a dozen or so children peeking over your shoulder as you stoop to look in at it every little while. ~John Gould
No woman wants to see herself too clearly. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water. ~W.C. Fields
I'd like mornings better if they started later. ~Author Unknown
And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. ~I Corinthians 13:13
There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. ~Aldous Huxley, Time Must Have a Stop
When man invented fire, he didn't say, "Hey, let's cook." He said, "Great, now we can see naked bottoms in the dark." ~Steven Moffat, Coupling, "Inferno," original airdate 2 June 2000
California, that advance post of our civilization, with its huge aircraft factories, TV and film studios, automobile way of life... its flavourless cosmopolitanism, its charlatan philosophies and religions, its lack of anything old and well-tried rooted in tradition and character. ~J.B. Priestley
Again the early-morning sun was generous with its warmth. All the sounds dear to a horseman were around me - the snort of the horses as they cleared their throats, the gentle swish of their tails, the tinkle of irons as we flung the saddles over their backs - little sounds of no importance, but they stay in the unconscious library of memory. ~Wynford Vaughan-Thomas
Good shot, bad luck, and hell are the five basic words to be used in a game of tennis, though these, of course, can be slightly amplified. ~Virginia Graham, Say Please, 1949
The past is a good place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. ~Author Unknown
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