Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Believe it or not

Today's open question, inspired by William Katt's appearance on "House" last night (and a good episode, both with the House vs. God running tally and House and Wilson's dueling psychoanlysis of each other, not to mention Hugh Laurie's delivery of "They can't argue with the mark of Cane."):

What TV show do you have fond memories of primarily because of the theme song? The seemingly obvious answer for me would be "The Greatest American Hero," but I mainly wanted an excuse to run that picture, and while I love the Joey Scarbury theme song so much I used it as Julia's lullaby for the first year of her life (and because it inspired the greatest answering machine greeting of all time), that show was about more than a catchy/cheesey ditty. The interplay between Katt and Robert Culp was always funny, and like so many of the movies and shows cited in this thread, it worked as both an action/superhero spoof and a decent action/superhero show.

So my pick would be the very short-lived remake of "Route 66" from the summer of '93. I can barely tell you anything about the show itself, save that it was from the days when Dan Cortese was a rising star, but damn if the theme song, Warren Zevon's "If You Won't Leave Me I'll Find Somebody Who Will" wasn't 40 seconds of pure ironic bliss. I literally tuned in every week just to hear that song, and it made me so happy that I stuck around for the rest of the hour.

So what's your favorite watched-it-for-the-theme-song show?

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