Sunday, April 23, 2006

Think fast, Bacall!

"The Sopranos," episode seven. The opening of today's review:
My thought process while watching "Luxury Lounge" went something like this:

"An entire episode about Artie? Did they learn nothing from season four?"

"Hey, maybe they did. This isn't bad."

"Holy (bleep), did Christopher just punch Lauren Bacall in the face?"

Yes, "Luxury Lounge" spent most of its attention on the one character who historically gets less respect (from fans and wiseguys) than Bacala. Yes, it was fairly slow and quiet. No, it didn't move any of the season's major storylines forward much, if at all.

To put it in Artie's language, the first six episodes of this season were like that buffet at Da Giovanni: one amazing dish after the next, always something to savor and chew on and analyze exactly what the ingredients are. An all-Artie episode could have been a pit stop at Arby's for a roast beef, but it was better than that. Not the bountiful feast of the season so far, but a tasty side salad to let the stomach rest before the next course.
To read the rest, click here. Then come back to comment.

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