Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tossed salad and scrambled eggs

The true downside of the Angels sweep of the Mariners is that the Yankees are now tied for the wild card lead in the AL. Not that it matters, as the Yanks have been nothing but a speed bump for the Angels in the postseason, and there is nothing to suggest that things will be anything different this season.

But you almost have to pity Seattle. A town that is unremarkable, other than its weather. And if you really must know the truth, New York City gets more rainfall each year than Seattle, meaning that the one thing its known for, other than a high suicide rate, was once again stolen by Gotham City. That suicide rate probably spiked on Wednesday like it was a Dungy family reunion after realizing that the Mariners were once again destined to play second fiddle in the AL West. Not that a five-game deficit (with 29 games to play) is insurmountable, but Seattle was already going downhill before the Angels kicked out the parking break.

Still, thanks for the hospitality Seattle, it was a nice way to start the week. And if it makes you feel any better, the rest of the country is pulling for you to win the wild card, so good luck with all of that.

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