Thursday, September 20, 2007

Heart vs. groin

A grab-bag blog entry last night, and a grab-bag column today, with four items of roughly equal length, about the "Simpsons" season premiere, the "Family Guy" spoof of "Star Wars," the "Burn Notice" season finale and the big "24" development that Fox decided to spoil several months early:
"Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig, does whatever a spider-pig... does..."

If those words fill your heart with joy, chances are you were one of the millions who bought tickets to "The Simpsons Movie" this summer (or, at least, that you saw the trailer on YouTube). I was one of those millions, and suffered multiple bouts of the hiccups from too much laughter (highlight, other than Spider-Pig: the "Are You Smarter Than a Celebrity?" ticker ad), even though I�ve watched recent seasons of "The Simpsons" TV show more out of loyalty than merit.

So when I watched a review screener of the 19th (yes, 19th) season premiere of the show, I expected it to pale in comparison to the movie, even though I knew it would feature a Spider-Pig cameo. Instead, it felt oddly, comfortingly similar to the movie. The structure is similar, with the best jokes in the first act (Homer saves Mr. Burns� life and is rewarded with a private jet flight to Chicago for some deep dish pizza), a bit of a lull to get the plot moving in the second (Marge hires Homer a life coach, voiced by guest star Stephen Colbert) and a third act with some genuine pathos and misadventures with a vehicle Homer shouldn�t be able to operate.
To read the full column, click here.

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