Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Yet another dog days open thread

School's back in session, but technically, it's still summer. Nearly two weeks to go till the official start of the season (though the Emmys are on Sunday and Fox begins premiering most of its shows next week), and I'm drowning in DVD screeners. Revised versions of pilots (which I have to rewatch, both for note-taking purposes and to identify any changes that might alter my opinion), season premieres and second episodes, plus the approximately 87,000 hours of Ken Burns' "The War."

I haven't written a column in several days and probably won't have a new one until Thursday, and the bloggable material is feeling a bit thin until Emmy time. So once again, I want to open it up to you all. Ask any questions, mention any show I haven't lately, whatever, so long as it's in some way TV-related, and I'll answer in the comments whenever I need a break from "The War." (I actually like parts of it, but I resent the hell out of PBS for scheduling the thing on the night before the season begins.)

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