Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Office, "Crime Aid": Lovers in a dangerous time

Spoilers for tonight's "The Office" coming up just as soon as I find out what kind of product integration deal Huey Lewis & The News struck with NBC...

"No, I did not know that Michael was dating Holly." -David Wallace

They are going to break my heart. This show is going to break my heart, dammit.

It's one thing to intellectually know that Amy Ryan only signed to do a handful of episodes, that she's an in-demand film actress with one Oscar nomination to her name and, presumably, more to come, that a version of "The Office" where Michael is in a semi-functional relationship might get old after, oh, eight or nine more seasons. But dammit, I'm not ready for Holly to go just yet. And it's hard for me to stay in denial when they close such an otherwise perfect episode on such an ominous note.

Just look at that screencap. Look at the expression on Holly's face, knowing that she so eagerly will discuss her sex life with the camera crew (who got more overt acknowledgment than in any episode to date), and try not to have that same goofy grin spread to your own face. Much like Jim, I'm amazed by the possibilities of a world where Michael Scott can find love, and where he can, for the most part, function like a human being. Unless this is one massive fake-out and Amy Ryan has signed a 12-season deal to stay with the show, I'm almost going to be afraid to watch next week.

What I liked about "Crime Aid," beyond the obvious, was how even before we realized how Michael and Holly's romance was likely to end, the other stories were all about men being afraid of losing their loved ones. Jim's fear is fairly minor (mine, too; I trust the writers implicitly on all matters PB&J at this point, though I wish Pam was around more right now), but I thought Dwight's panic over Angela setting a date played out beautifully as both comedy and tragedy. Using Phyllis (in easily her best showcase ever) for advice was hilarious, and then we got this great look of humanity on Dwight's face when he realized what he had just said about Phyllis trying to help him.

I'm sure that story isn't done yet, but it's amazing just how well "The Office" has handled not just the initial PB&J romance, but all the love stories on the show. (And that's not even factoring in Bob Vance's adoration for Phyllis, or the currently backburnered Kelly/Ryan/Daryl love triangle, or my secret fear/hope that Creed and Meredith will hook up one day.) Who would have thought this show would turn out to be one of the great TV romantic comedies of all time?

What did everybody else think?

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