Monday, January 29, 2007

Cowgirl Generation

The Cowgirltrification of America keeps rolling along, because apparently America no longer rewards its admiration based on talent. Instead, to become really famous, all you have to do is show up to a game in a bikini top or shirt with a profanity or sell yourself over the Internets. And the race to kind the next Cowgirl is underway.

Maxim went out of its way to find the famed "(Expletive) the Eagles" broad from the New Orleans playoff game. Now she has her own photo shoot and video session on the Maxim website.

Then there is Sarah Spain who went from whoring herself out on eBay for Bears Super Bowl tickets, to becoming the pimp in a recent turn of events.

The two girls in question are lovely, but really, they aren't Cowgirl. Like when Motley Crue became popular and all of these other bands were signed that looked and sounded like them. Now, you might enjoy these new bands, but it is not the same as the original. So you have to ask yourself, does the world need another Cowgirl?

The short answer is, yes. So girls, you have your work cut out for you. The best bet would be to write an expletive on your bare chest and find a way to auction that on eBay.

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